Fleet Management and GPS Tracking Blog

How Do I Choose Between Vehicle Tracking Companies?

Written by Rastrac Team | Oct 27, 2016 7:45:40 PM

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably in the market for a tracking solution for your fleet, but not quite sure who to go to. Picking between all of the different vehicle tracking companies out there can be difficult.

When making a decision about which tracking company to use, it’s important to consider many different factors, including what kinds of devices the company offers, their track record, ease of use, and support.

Why Device Choice Matters

GPS vehicle tracking technology is constantly evolving. Not only are GPS trackers themselves evolving, the vehicles they’re being attached to are constantly changing from year to year as well.

1) GPS Trackers and Onboard Diagnostics Systems

Electronic control systems are becoming increasingly integrated in vehicle designs from one model year to the next. For example, Onboard Diagnostics (OBD) systems, which originated as a way to monitor vehicle emissions, are now a requirement for most modern vehicles. You can read about the Federal OBD requirements in the National Service Center for Environmental Publications’ website.

As the capabilities of onboard diagnostics grew to include more and more critical vehicle systems, special tracking devices were developed to tap into these systems so that fleet managers could remotely verify the status of a vehicle.

This remote diagnostic capability is incredibly useful for optimizing vehicle maintenance scheduling—which can help prevent costly on-the-road breakdowns.

However, not every tracking device offers compatibility with a vehicle’s onboard diagnostics system. Less sophisticated devices might not be able to interface with the vehicle’s diagnostics system.

2) GPS Tracking Devices and Mount Type

Most modern vehicles have an OBD II port that you could easily plug a GPS device into. While this is the fastest and most convenient option, it’s also the most vulnerable to tampering in case of theft.

Savvy thieves can easily find the OBD II port and unplug the GPS—negating the device’s usefulness as an antitheft measure.

On the other hand, a device that is hardwired into the asset being tracked is much harder to locate. Yes, the installation is more difficult and time-consuming up front, but the payoff is that thieves are less likely to be able to spot the tracker or remove it without disabling the vehicle.

Why Ease of Use Matters

How many times have you tried out a new piece of business software, only to find that it’s not very user-friendly? Even more importantly, how often did you actually use that piece of software?

Odds are that, unless the software was absolutely critical for your business’ operations, it would fall by the wayside and be forgotten about entirely.

Ease of use for any GPS fleet tracking solution is a must to ensure that fleet managers can and will use it so the whole organization will benefit. This goes beyond having a simple or intuitive interface, however.

Modern GPS tracking systems collect a lot of data from each tracking unit in the field aside from where each asset is right now. With the ability to log past tracking data, engine performance, driving behaviors, and more, the interface for any comprehensive vehicle monitoring solution can quickly get very crowded.

While simplified or intuitive user interfaces help, it’s far more important to make sure that the tracking system is providing you with the most relevant information, which often means customizing the interface to address your biggest business concerns.

Something as simple as a little post-sale training and support to help you get familiar with the GPS management software can do a lot to make it easier to use. So, finding a tracking service provider who’s willing to sit down and walk you through the software can be a big help.

Finding a Trustworthy Partner

Anybody can sell a tracking device. With the growth of the fleet management market, new players are coming in all the time to sell tracking devices. However, not all of these companies have the track record to show that they’re willing to go the distance to help you markedly improve your business.

Of course, everyone has to start somewhere, and there are many new businesses just starting out that want to prove they can help. However, wanting to help and having a proven track record of actually helping are two very different things.

RASTRAC is a proven GPS tracking system provider with over 20 years of experience and innovation in the telematics/fleet management industry. When companies turn to RASTRAC for their GPS tracking devices and management software, they know they’re getting a reliable partner for improving fleet performance and efficiency.

RASTRAC has consistently helped other companies empower their fleet and asset management with customized, reliable tracking solutions, training, and post-sale support.

Get more than just a powerful tracking solution and a robust suite of management software—get a dedicated partner who will help you make the most out of your GPS tracking today!