How can a fleet manager become a hero to others? One way is by increasing the efficiency of the fleets they manage!
Here’s how improving the efficiency of your fleet could make you a local hero:
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Becoming a Hero to the Boss
Getting more done with less is the mantra of many modern businesses. However, finding opportunities for actually achieving noticeably better results while reducing time and resource investments can be difficult.
Improving efficiency by eliminating fuel theft & waste, optimizing route planning, and stopping unauthorized vehicle use with GPS fleet tracking systems is an excellent way to prove your effectiveness to upper management. Find enough efficiency-boosting opportunities, and you’ll be a downright hero to your bosses, helping them grow the company by improving revenues and reducing overhead costs per dollar earned.
Becoming a Hero to Your Drivers
Your drivers work hard for you whether you’re a part of a company that does long-distance shipping, local package delivery, or provides emergency services. These drivers need support from their fleet manager to realize peak productivity and safety.
In the rush to meet tight deadlines, however, it’s all too easy for the needs of drivers to get pushed aside—sometimes by the drivers themselves. GPS tracking for fleet vehicles allows fleet managers to remotely monitor their drivers and vehicles, gathering data such as:
- Hours of Service Information. Tracking how many hours each driver puts in behind the wheel is crucial for not only avoiding HOS violations, but for ensuring the health and safety of drivers.
- Real Time Asset Locations. Knowing where every asset in the field is at all times can help fleet managers better optimize driver deployments. This helps make it so that no one driver is overworked or underworked compared to the rest. Also, if the worst happens and a driver is involved in an accident or has a breakdown, fleet managers can send help to that driver’s last know location quickly, helping increase safety for drivers.
By leveraging the data collected by GPS fleet tracking devices, fleet managers can become heroes to their drivers in dozens of small ways, such as ensuring fairness in driving assignments, and in larger ways, such as ensuring prompt rescue after an accident or breakdown.
Becoming a Local Community Hero with GPS
There are many ways that GPS can help a fleet manager become a local hero depending on the type of vehicle fleet they manage.
For example, municipal fleet managers could become a hero to a local community by improving street sweeping efforts in summer and snowplow operations in winter. One municipal fleet manager for a major city actually shared snowplow live tracking maps with their community—giving average citizens access to a real-time map of which roads were most recently cleared. This helped commuters avoid snowed-in roads and dead ends.
Or, emergency services dispatchers can use GPS to track the locations of emergency vehicles in the field. Using this information, they can quickly identify the closest vehicles to an emergency call, saving precious minutes that could mean the difference between life and death for those who need help.
Even local package delivery service providers can be heroes to people by using GPS tracking to ensure the timely arrival of their packages, and making sure that packages don’t go missing. With GPS tracking, delivery fleet managers can make sure that their delivery vehicles are sticking to their assigned routes and timetables.
Now, the community may not know who it is that’s making sure that the streets are clean and safe, or that their packages are getting to their doors on time, but you’ll be their hero all the same.
Are you equipped to be a hero to your local community? Make sure with GPS fleet management solutions from RASTRAC!
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